One year and my earliest walker he is.
Kind of fitting for an 8th child, don't you think?
From the moment he was born and it was clear he wouldn't even
fit into the sweet little newborn jams I had lovingly bought and dreamed of
my baby wearing...
I secretly knew I was going to miss that New Baby stage with this 10-pound-plus
son of mine already determined to make his mark on the world of men.
This morning the boy awoke to a room full of "punch balloons" and some special gifts.
He was most enthralled with the cell phone that his sis Carolina thoughtfully gave him.
I'm don't believe it left his hand except for lunch and naps.
Miles was holding it when Daddy left for work and was holding it when he returned
home in the evening!
Miles had berries and yogurt on pancakes for birthday breakfast
and then a lot of playing with balloons and Mega Blocks and of course - that cell phone :-)
In the evening Uncle Charlie was here and able to celebrate with us.
Miles was pretty stoic about the whole thing. Getting older is serious business, don'tcha know?
Hangin' with the men is definitely where it's at though!
And then there was cake....
Cake is pretty much the crowning glory of awesomeness.
Well Happy Birthday little man!
Although I'm excited to watch you make your own mark on the world of men,
I'm praying you know that the greatest you can ever be
is a servant and friend of the King Jesus.
If no one ever sees you, or knows you, or appreciates you, it doesn't matter.
This world in not a kingdom that lasts and people will never value the things
that matter most to Him. You are precious to Him and He loves you.
Love Him.
Daddy and I love you dear one~
~Love Mama