Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Little Guys

Bryce, Roy Rogers John: aka "Roy", and Frederick Mississippi: aka "Fred"

I could take or leave Roy and Fred,
but this guy?

 He has stole my heart!


  1. Kids are Sooooo much cuter than cats.
    By the way, that tree looks to picture perfect to cut down, you should decorate it there. At least make sure it is squirrel free when you bring it inside.

  2. Wonderful photos of little man and interaction with family royalty (or at least cats usually think they are royalty)!

  3. Can I say that I LOVE the cat names. Are they new additions? Cute cute pics :)
    love you

  4. Yes. Our first "pets". I am supposed to post the story of their arrival into our family, but it's so far in my history at this point...
    We are enjoying them, although they are outside cats. -Unless they sneak in or someone can't help themself ;-)

  5. really sweet!! my baby loves our cat "puma kitty" too :-) he is a keeper!!
