Monday, July 11, 2011

Why, Hello. And who might YOU be?

We made few props for Auntie Em
who is wanting a photo booth
at her wedding reception.

We thought we'd better try them out

to see if they work.

I was surprised to discover people I didn't know existed.

I must admit,
They were VERY fun people to meet!

Poirot stroked his own magnificent mustache tenderly.
"It is an art," he murmured, 
"the growing of the mustache! 
I have sympathy for all who attempt it."
~Agatha Christie~

In all honesty, I didn't know I had such comedians!
Just put 'em behind a debonair mustache
or cherry red lips
and see what I mean.

We love you Auntie Em! 
(and soon-to-be-Uncle Shane!)


  1. Hilarious!! What fun they had~ '

    And you, quite the moooosh-tash (as my little ones would say) artist :-)


  2. Priceless!! The one of Bryce takes the cake!!!

  3. What's this? Emma's getting MARRIED!?! Somehow I still see her as that adorable little toddler I loved to come to your house to play with. Be sure to tell her I'm thrilled for her and have an amazing time celebrating with her.
