Saturday, December 12, 2015

~On the Holding Side~

With absolute delight and a fair portion of marvel,  I introduce to you

Lance Victory

10 lbs 12 oz,   21 inches long

Friends,  for the last few days and nights I've been cared for like a queen
by my husband and each of my capable growing-up-too-fast children.
I have a beautifully nested "turret" from which 
I sit on my bed or rocking chair holding my newest handsome love;
from here I can see out our second-story hillside window and look 
over rooftops of the wintry town below,
then across the valley to powder dusted mountains beyond.
Yesterday it even snowed big sleepy, drifty flakes, blessing my heart and senses.

{Oh Holding Side, you finally did come!}

While I have been sitting, I've attempted to form my thoughts and feelings 
into words. 
yet here I am tonight still fairly speechless.

The first days after opening such a package are a daze.
So much to process.
After doing this a few times, I've learned the value in
holding and breathing and kissing kissing kissing
sweet chubby cheeks.
In fact, even though it's winter, little Lance didn't get dressed
past a diaper for two days because I wanted to be near his skin.
I think his dad was relieved to see him finally clothed!
{Silly, proud, wonderful, smitten dad!}

Rather than recount a birth story, I just want to say how utterly
and desperately grateful I am to my friend Jesus
who walks with me through every small moment
and keeps me from racing into the next moments without his hand.
Who takes my weakness and makes it something beautiful
for His glory
just because He wants to.

How can it be, I am in one moment great with child
 and barely entering labor full of unanswered questions,
then just a matter of hours later I am holding my cherished unknown
now known
and the mystery of his story is written?
It is nothing short of a marvel.


To the King of Kings, our Knight who has conquered
and been victorious over death and the dragon!
Thank you.
~Thank you so very very much~

"But thanks be to God! 
He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ."

1 Corinthians 15:57


  1. Wow!! You had a beautiful BIG boy !!! Congratulations on such a sweet bundle. What day was he born? Enjoy every second of his newborn days because they go faster EVERY time!! So happy that your little guy is on the holding side!!!! Your babies ALWAYS have such THICK hair when they are born. LOVE it!!! Congrats sweet friend!

  2. What perfect preciousness, 'Lene! I've been praying for you and watching for this post the past few days and am delighted to see the blessings our Lord has poured out on you! Enjoy!

  3. Congratulations on a beautiful baby boy! I absolutely love his name! Little Lance is the picture of perfection! The girls and I have been watching and waiting ever so patiently for this post! We were just delighted this morning to see that your new little love has finally made his entrance into the world! All of his adoring siblings seem to be in love already with the newest addition. I can't blame them! Lance has the sweetest little face and the most kissable cheeks!

    Enjoy your precious new bundle! Rest, enjoy Lance's new baby sweetness and let all other responsibilities fall on those around you as you recover. :)

  4. Eyes brimming... Hearts you... Rejoicing in this precious gift!

  5. Love these pictures. You've captured some beautiful moments! That nest has some wonderful lighting! Ah baby boy, you are so loved.

  6. You are wise to enjoy the skin. So so brief. . . .He is beautiful Analene.

  7. Congratulations to all of you!!! Such a big, beautiful baby boy!

  8. Congratulations. He's perfectly wonderful.

  9. Congratulations! He is precious...

  10. He's beautiful! Congratulations!

  11. Congratulations! Such a beautiful new son! Your family is gorgeous! Perfect Christmas timing on this newest miracle, and I pray that you heal quickly and fully in the care of your beautiful family. {{{Hugs across the miles friend Analene}}}

  12. Oh Analene, He is so very lovely. Sooo oooey gooey squishy and wonderful!! A big boy too! Full of lovely hair and soft tender skin just aching to be near you I'm sure. What a marvel indeed!! I am so glad to read that you are being well taken care of. Resting and holding and kissing all need to be done in huge amounts those first few weeks....and then some. So glad sweet little Lance Victory is here. Love his name and all the precious pictures of him and his adoring fans. It wasn't so long ago that those holding him were just being born themselves. Enjoy ever minute and when you come up for air, share more of this lovely new one with us, okay? :-)

    Big Hugs to you!!!!! ~Cinnamon

  13. Congratulations! He is gorgeous!

  14. Wow! He is a handsome little fella! Thank you for sharing your wonderful pictures, Analene! It is a blessing to see God's abundant love in your growing family.You look beautiful (as always)! I wish you a cozy, Merry Christmas!


  15. Wow, I'm so in awe of you! What a beautiful treasure!

  16. He looks perfect!!! Congrats. What a blessing to sit back and enjoy this precious gift of life. It's wonderful that you have so many helpers :)
