Monday, January 11, 2016

The Best-ness All Around Me

There's an awful lot of best-ness to my days, and that's what I love to see.

To look for.

Some days I have to search a little harder/dig a little deeper
(because tiredness and hormones like to obscure the lovely in life),
but there's always some wonder to notice or routine non-event to be grateful for.

{Thanks Lord for a washing machine that cleans clothes, and a water heater
that works. For cuts that don't need stitches, a baby without colic, or a husband
who comes home from work.}

The more I settle deep into the privilege of such a life, I am reluctant to use
certain words so casually.

Words such as "need" for instance.  I can't think of one single area in which
I can apply that in good conscience.
Kind of puts things into perspective and stretches my vocabulary as well,
trying to express a difficult feeling or experience while acknowledging the
very-great abundance in my life!

My Lance-boy is an official one month old already, and while four weeks
have brought an unhappy onslaught of baby acne for him and the re-entrance
of sleep-deprivation for me, the days are mostly filled up with best-ness :-)

This is me at 2pm, still in my pajamas. But the boy is sleeping, so
besides the desire for a shower, I'd say everything's right in the world :-)

And here's the two remaining pieces of evidence that I got a really special
pre-baby-birth pedicure 6 weeks ago from my friend Jana, who knew I couldn't
reach my feet and took pity. That's a kindred heart!

Maybe time for a new color?

Bryce often asks me if he can hold Lance.
Sometimes I ask him to "babysit" for a few minutes.

Our Olivia, nine years old.
So artistic; so creative!
Play dough never looked so awesome!

Also, Olivia is my flitting, floating, flying butterfly who dances throughout the house all day long!
These special Christmas gifts have been getting a lot of mileage.

Here's the face of a boy who loves "Hol' Tocters".
What is a Hol'Tocter, you ask?
Why this of course!

And another face I love!

The kids weren't inspired to go out into the snow until it had been
around for weeks.  And then one day, I guess it was time.

On a Saturday morning several of them rummaged through the snow
clothes and found enough to keep tolerable warm.  Then they began
serious enterprises in the department of fort-building.

I must say they've upped their game since the last time they
built snow forts!  Carolina built one on her own, Clayton and Susanna
collaborated on the one you see above, and Olivia crafted a veritable
castle replete with a flagged turret and chamber just for storing snowballs!
I didn't get a picture of it when it was finished, but it is the one which
all the kids are still talking about :-)

We un-decorated the Christmas tree together, and it was a sad affair.
Miles kept asking "Why? Why are you taking the tree apart?"

And on a quiet evening after the children were tucked into bed, I untangled
strands of lights from dried-up boughs.

So I guess it is good-bye to one season and hello to the next
chapter of best-ness :-)


  1. That is a lot of very sweet "best-ness"!

  2. That post was just the BEST! Tell Olivia her curly hair looks lovely and the play dough people are amazing. Makes me smile to see your gold toes. Maybe we can have another date, since while you can reach now, your arms are mostly very full of "best-ness." I sure identify with Miles and the "why??" Why must the pretty go away? :) Lasty, the girls will be SUPER impressed with those snow forts. Ah friend, tell Lance I don't want him to grow one bit until I can hold him again. ;)

  3. Always amazed at how fast a month can go...especially when holding such a precious bundle. Why do those newborn days go so fast? I can't believe how much hair your little ones always coming out with. PRECIOUS !!! Take care my friend and enjoy all those beautiful children!

  4. Marie, thank you so much! Only Heaven itself could be a better best ;-)

  5. Nikki, Oh boy does this fella have hair! Quite fuzzy and adorable.

    On the off-chance you come back to these comments, I have to tell you I miss your blog!
    I surely do appreciate the desire for privacy. If you are taking requests, I miss seeing the adventures of your tribe and would love an invitation!

    Otherwise, please keep coming to visit me and I'll enjoy catching up with you here.


  6. Jana, My toenails await!

    Also, I hope there will be some good snow for a day of play when you get back. Let's plan it!!

  7. Love to see the kids out and about enjoying the season of WHITE ☺ Lance.....oh my!! My heart skips and beat to see his sweetness and all that beautiful hair. So lovely and precious.

    To my dear un-showered definitley have your hands FULL of BEST-NESS! What a marvelous place to be.

    One month did that happen so fast? Are we due a phone call soon? I think so ☺

    Thinking of you often and hoping you are feeling good, resting and little Lance is growing big and strong.

    hugs~ Cinnamon

  8. Beautiful people you have there. And that is one scrumptious boy baby.

  9. Jenny!

    It is so lovely to see your face (be it ever so small) and to know you are alive still!
    I miss you and your clan. It's been a number of years since I've had the pleasure to see all your faces, and in my minds eye everyone is just the ages they were when we left off. I know that can't be when I see how tall my big boys are getting and who has joined my own family since that time. I know there are some in yours which I've never met either!

    Know I am loving you friend.


  10. Beloved Cinnamon~ Yes yes! A call would be so wonderful.

    I am just marveling at all the Heaven-on-earth I have here. Thanks for sharing it with me!

  11. One month already?! Man time goes too fast. We spent Dray's first birthday with him and now he's already 13 months! Time needs to slow down!
    Perhaps I will try to give you a call soon. Miss you!

  12. Sherin, I was just perusing all the pictures of your fun Summer. Wow! You guys really know how to have a good time!
