I had a baby dream last night. I had a baby boy with black curly hair (three or four of my children were born with black hair actually, and they all belong to AJ). He was beautiful and weighed 8 pounds, 3 ounces which is pretty hefty for being three months premature!
Anyone who has been pregnant knows how those dreams go - they can be pretty wacky!
However I love love LOVED this, because it gave me the brand-new-baby craving.
I thought it to be especially convenient since I am indeed pregnant, thirteen weeks so, and my dream gave me the first real longing to meet this little one!
I am always excited to discover that a new little love Bug is on the way, but these later pregnancies go by much faster and are less heralded than the first. I sometimes forget that my growing belly (and growing everything else) is evidence of a tiny PERSON. Not just a pregnancy.
I am so thankful for new life, and the privilege to carry it within me. Wow!
Now I am guessing that curls are a little far fetched, but that's okay. There IS a baby in there, and boy or girl, we can't wait to meet!
11 years ago
wow, that counter even has the baby's birthday down to the second!!!
Congratulations, I am so happy for you guys!!
Congrats! Thanks for sharing your special news.
'Lene, I'm thrilled to hear God's creating a new little Love bug! I'm looking forward to meeting this tiny person. Although, as I typed that, I realized that I still haven't met Carolina. We have some catching up to do my friend! Praying for you.
Oh, Analene, I am so happy for you!
Yeah Pina, That was a bit more exact than I would have liked ;-)
I know better than to count like that!
Wouldn't it be nice though?
Oh my goodness! Analene, congrats! I was going to call you this evening...now I really wish I would have gotten around to that, so you could have told me rather than me reading it. But, I was with family till late into the evening, so I didn't get to the phone until it was probably too late to call you and I didn't want to risk waking you. I love you SO much and hope to talk soon.
How did you decide to have more babies? I have three and we got so much negative feedback when we mentioned that we might want another it really bothers me. It's like an ongoing battle all the time to have or not have anymore. Your kids are so beautiful and happy looking keep up the good mothering.
Yea! Congratulations! I pray this pregnancy goes great for you!
Ooh yah, pregancy dreams are CRAAAZZY sometimes, right? I love that he was 3 mos premature and was 8 lbs! We are soooo excited with you and are really serious when I say you'd better post pics of your growing self so I can feel like I am a part of your life while you are carrying this baby!!! Hooray for a new baby!!!! Better start on those boy names.
Oh! I just got the chills! CONGRATULATIONS! (((hugs)))
Congratulations! Bicos from Galicia!
Thank you thank you thank you!!!
So you think a boy Jenny? I feel a push to figure one out! Maybe it was the dream ;-)
Beansntatermama, I have been thinking about your question. I'd like to answer it in a blog post, so keep your eyes peeled!
Thanks all, for your love!
Congrats :-)
Oh yay!! I'm so glad I can comment about this on your blog now, I've been busting trying to make sure I didn't "slip" :D
Oh I am so happy to hear that. Congratulations. I love how the Lord does that for us. With my last pregnancy even though it ended in a miscarriage, I did dream I was pregnant with a boy. What a wonderful blessing. =o)
Congrats Analene! I enjoy watching your family grow and each new little one is a bundle of joy. I just wish we were closer so that we could actually be apart of each others lives instead of all the news traveling through the grapevine:-)
I just wish I was as far along as you are!!
Well, we did have a baby 3 months premature (Nov 6, '08, 6 months and 3 days after we were married!), but he did not weigh 8 pounds 3 ounces! 2 pounds 9 ounces was all, but he's a hefty 9 pounds 10 now, and almost 5 months old (adjusted age = almost 2 months). Now we just found out we're expecting again! We're going to have great fun with our almost-twins!!! Isn't every new baby such a blessing? Congratulations!
PS I found your blog not too long ago, from another blog, from another blog ... you know how that goes! You have some precious, beautiful children!
That is a great story Lauren!
It is a privilege to meet you, and CONGRATULATIONS!
So... how is that house renovation project going? Are you done yet?
I enjoyed looking at your blog, and would have to say that is our kind of fixer-upper;-)
I've never been to Alaska, but I hear that all you say is true!
Northern Idaho is very beautiful too.
I hope to hear from you again. When's this new little one due?
Congratulations! (Belated!) I've been kinda behind on keeping up with blog reading lately - seems all I can do to get pictures of the boys up for the grandmas and get the laundry folded sometimes!
I'm so excited for you AJ and Analene! I was getting lonely having another one on his way without you guys for company. :) What a blessing! I agree on the pregnancies now going more quickly too. We're twenty weeks already and some days I'm almost surprised to find maternity clothes in the drawers. :) It's much nicer than all the worries of the first one, though isn't it?
Oh, my blog has been sadly neglected lately! (Can't think what in the world I've been busy with....) I really would love to start a blog for our family up here sometime soon!
We're actually going to be hanging sheetrock today! Our original plan with the house was to have it finished a couple months after we got married, but we ran into problems with the surveying, found out the house wasn't actually where it was supposed to be, etc, etc. And then when the baby came unexpectedly early, that obviously delayed the building even more! Now, we need to raise $51,000 by June 3 (see www.LittleTait.com) to cover the neonatology bill (we haven't even gotten the hospital bill yet!), so that's another little holdup. But we are moving ahead slowly! It's going to be so nice to get into our own house!
As far as this new little guy or gal ... I really have no idea how far along I am - somewhere between 3 weeks and 2 1/2 months. Taking into account Little Tait's adjusted age, there will be somewhere between 8 and 11 months in between, I think. We're looking for a doctor right now, since I can't have a midwife birth, due to my C-section. : (
Well, I hadn't planned on writing out my life story here!
Blessings to you, I'm sure we'll be in touch, and check out littletait.com when you get a chance! We just got the website more or less completed and up and running last night.
Lauren Z.
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