...And there's only ONE perfectly beautiful, and precious baby stretching out sideways in my womb!
Everything I could see gave me reason to think twins. I had a divine appointment with my dear friend and former midwife Janice who looked me over and didn't discount my premonition, so I couldn't stand it any longer. I HAD to know.
The Ultrasound place was booked for a couple weeks, and their "First Look" fee doubled after 20 weeks, so I called and asked (pleaded, begged, gave my sob story) if they could squeeze me in that day (Saturday).
They called back and set me an appointment for later in the day and I took Olivia with me for the first peek! I was really expecting to see two babies by this time, so before I arrived I asked the Lord to help me not be disappointed, and that if He was willing, I would be thrilled to see even just one healthy little baby in there.
This Ultrasound place is a really neat business. The Lady who owns it is also the sonographer, and has plenty of room in her "office" to fit all your family, friends, strangers, and maybe even enemies too, right in where they can watch baby with you on a big screen TV in front of your bed. It is really very neat, and Olivia and I fairly rattled around in there just the two of us.
The Technician could determine only one baby right away, so there was no room for even guessing. I kept thinking "Don't you want to do a better job looking? Maybe he's hiding!"
For novelties sake I was disappointed.
After I watched in awe for a while and fell in love with that dear little figure, I was sensibly relieved for logistics sake! HA!
The logistics of twins are probably better left to the imagination;-)
I have to tell you that as I watched the ultrasound technician take measurements and show me the baby's tiny heart, lungs, kidneys, stomach, and other functioning parts, I felt overwhelming gratefulness that my little one measures exactly in accordance with the dates I had been sure of.
He or she is 18 weeks, 6 days.
Weighs 9 ounces right now.
The paperwork says in effect, that every little thing is normal, normal, normal.
There are times in my life in which that word is the very music that carries me. Normal.
My baby is normal, and has enough brothers and sister's ahead of him to have made that dark nest a very roomy apartment! The U.T. said Little Bug was stretched out, and "very high" (so I had noticed!), and I told her that this is the most space and quiet this baby is likely to EVER have, and I hope he is taking full advantage of it and enjoying himself ;-P
I'd love to post one of the pictures I have, but my computer has been commandeered for a time and I'm grateful to be borrowing another.
Thank you for your kind words and encouragements. The Lord is so good to me. He has blessed me beyond my dreams and expectations, and certainly beyond what I could ever deserve.
I am very, VERY thankful!!
11 years ago
Congratulations Analene! It's always so fun to see your tiny little baby! What are you planning for this delivery? Will you have a homebirth? Will Janice do it?
How great is our God! I marvel over the intricate and perfect work He chooses to do within us and am in awe that we get to be a part (however small) of it. How wonderful to get to see Baby Bug! I agree that the logisics of twins are probably are better left to the imagination at this point, but I'm sure that when God sends that blessing He also provides the strength to carry on. I must admit, however, that my mind often does wonder what two little ones would look like right now after the experience I had with Hannah's pregnancy. Wouldn't that have made life interesting?!
Give my love to Baby and all the Buglets!
How good to know, yes? And did I miss it???? Did you say HIM for a reason or just as a placeholder? Or are you keeping that information for his arrival?? Thank you for sharing with us!!!
Congratulations on your little baby bug :) I am so glad he is whole and healthy! Soo did you happen to find out if it is a he or a she? I know you usually don't but I am just curious. Love you friend - Courtney
How wonderful! I'm glad you got a peek.
Yeah for the perfect little one. And yes, I also must comment on the fact you used the words "him" and "he".
Thanks gals!
Uh, let's see...
I am looking forward to getting connected with midwives in Idaho if it looks like we'll actually spend the Summer and Fall there. If not, I know some good ones at my Colorado home:-)
Yes, I'd love to have another home birth, Lord willing. My first one with my last child was a wonderful experience.
Gasp! I never find out the baby's gender ahead of time. Even with this ultrasound I felt like I was cheating a little;-)
It is so marvelous to me that a woman's womb is truly a secret place. Even with the technology we have available to us, how manuy surprises are there still when the time of meeting arrives? It is amazing!
As obsessed as I was to know if there were two, I wasn't even tempted to find out if Baby Bug is a boy or girl. I figure it's a 50/50 chance of being a boy, but whatever... baby IS already who baby is:-)
Courtney, I wanted to call you, but three hours diference makes it hard when trying to call at a reasonable time!
You know, Stephen doesn't have to worry about us getting too far ahead now. We're not cheating.
...This time anyway! ;-P
And just to be clear, I would have loved to be expecting twins, and honestly, with a ratio of 3 in 100 irths being twins, and with the possibility increasing with age and number of children, I am beginning to feel entitled to it!
Oh well. I'm afraid I dont' have much control over that:-)
I'd better be content with all blessings I have!
And I got the priveledge of hearing this news right after...how special is that? Such a blessing to see you. It has to keep me content until I am back. I love you so much!
Oh, what a blessing. So glad that he/she is safe and sound as well. Praying for baby bug! ^_^
As fun as twins would be, congratulations on "just" one! :)
How wonderful to see your dear Baby Bug! I'm glad all is well.
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