It was breath-taking!
I'm sure there are many lovely sunrises to be had for the viewing, but I'm more likely to be awake for an evening show of color.
Recently I have stumbled upon something too good to be true.
I haven't blogged about it because I'm afraid it might "*poof*" disappear into thin air.
It hasn't yet, and I have a few minutes this afternoon so I'll tell you.
I found that if I could actually rouse myself out of bed an hour and a half before everyone else, a cup of mocha could wake me enough to sit by the fire and paint while listening to the Bible on audio.
The Bible in 90 Days website has a button on the left labeled "listen while you read" and this little feature is what's been keeping me in the running with that 90 day program (although for me it will probably be a "Read The Bible in Well Over 100 Days" program.
I'm O.K. with that as long as I keep after it and get through eventually:-)
I AM LOVING this!!
My brain can't digest written material first thing in the morn, but I can digest it coming in through the ear just dandy.
Add to that a prime opportunity for uninterrupted art, and you have something that really gets me jazzed!
(The mocha seems to be a key ingredient to the success of this venture - sipped from a red mug, of course)
Can this be?
A bona fide quiet time?
AND a creative outlet?!!!
Here is a piece of the evidence:
There's more, but I can't blog it all at once - ya know?
I've got to spread it out a little.
I'm still in shock!
Actually, I have not deemed it wise to rise that early every day if I haven't been getting a nap, or if I went to bed at 2am, waking once or twice after that to nurse.
On a couple days I've tried to corral the hooligans in their room and attempt to recreate a serene atmosphere in the hopes of getting this same time to myself during naps.
It sorta works, just not as good as the morning ritual.
Wouldn't it be something if I got to bed earlier; slept more hours; got up before the sun; had coveted time in God's Word, AND got to paint?!!!
I'm not so foolish as to depend on getting this time on a regular schedule at this season, but if even every few days...
Like I said, too good to be true.
I kind of feel like the parched traveler in the desert who just limped to an honest-to-goodness well of thirst-quenching water.
Water he could get a big draught of, no less!
Simply reviving!
It's so crazy it might just stick:-)
Oh my, how FABULOUS. I'm so happy for you. I've been trying to get to bed earlier, but I really like my late-night art/ craft time. However, It doesn't always make for a happy mama in the morning. This (what you are doing) would be a great way to get some creative time AND some devotional time, as well (plus, "me" time, coffee time.. whoa! You're right, too good to be true :D).
I've always wanted to be a morning person, but I can't seem to pull it off. Maybe if a mocha were waiting for me in the morning, it would help things along :)
Thanks for the inspiration! Gorgeous painting, btw, I still want to trade some art (I haven't forgotten!).
Take care and keep it up!
your art is beatiful! and dont worry im blogging more :)
Hurray! So happy for you :)
How wonderful! What a marvelous happy you have found the time for quiet repose. :-)
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