It is nap time. Or at least, it's supposed to be.
I thought I'd try to catch up on some rest while my littles napped today
but from the other room I hear Aloria talking about Oatmeal and "Peanut
Butter on your face" to which Bryce responds something back about pickles.
It seems a bad idea for them to fall asleep at 3 in the afternoon, so I choose
to ignore the food conversation in exchange for some quiet time anyway.
The weather report threatens temps above 100 degrees by the end of the week,
but so far the air has been pleasantly cool with rain showers sprinkled here
and there throughout the last week or so. An hour ago sunshine presided,
and now the ground soaks up another drink and puddles form in the bare spots.
I know I haven't been applying myself to keeping journal,
but life is more important than the record of it, and life happens in abundance here.
Miles passed his 3 month milestone and with it arrived laughter (my favorite!),
finding of his hands, and lots of cooing at those friendly faces that gaze down on him.
He is not a spitter-upper, and though he has had crazy hair like his sister before him,
it decided all at once to lay down. It is getting thin in places lately which means a
haircut is in order before long! He is absolutely adorable and we can't imagine life
without our Miles.
Last week Ryan came from Colorado to put half a roof on the Log Cabin.
It was a project which wives are better not to watch. I was there just
enough to deliver iced tea and take some pictures :-)
Did you notice the first hole cut in the log cabin wall? It will one day graduate to a door
but for now it gives the structure the distinguished look of a glorified chicken coop I think :-D
Also... did you notice who's on the roof? In some of the more exciting Marvel Hill news
we got our cousin/neighbors back!! They moved to Nevada for a year and decided
they were ready for Idahome again. We are super glad to have my brother and sis back
in the neighborhood with their crew.
Over the weekend we had long-time friends visit from California with their
family of 9. These guys have been in our life from the beginning pretty much,
and it was at their wedding that AJ and I "met". It was a privilege to share time
in fellowship again and to watch all the children play together!
The day these friends left, we dropped AJ off at the airport for some travel and came
home to spend one day spiffing up the guest cabin in preparation for my sister Molly's
Molly and Nick are here now with my adorable niece and nephew and while
we've only had one rainy day or two, we're looking forward to a lot more play in the
couple weeks they'll be vacationing with us!
And that's just a little of what needed catching up!
You already know how much we love it here, and that continues to be true.
I've deemed this "The Summer of The Picnic", and we've already had four
or so with plans for the coming weekend.
Life is good. I hope all you friends are enjoying your summery days!
11 years ago
What a darling baby that little Miles is! Three months already--hard to believe. Loved all the pix! Hugs!!! --m
Loved the update. I think a phone date is in order soon, yes? :) love you!
Love all the pics....what sweet memories are being made. Take care :)
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