Thursday, February 24, 2011

The Greatest of Greats!

Two of my grandpas departed in the last two years,
But I am one of very few who can say I knew both my grandparents.
AJ grew up with both sets of his grandparents,
and we have had the the rare opportunity in our marriage to enjoy 4 sets of grandparents
who were each others life companions.  What a legacy!
I wish my children could grow up with them all, but I know it's a precious privilege for them
to meet and know even some of their amazing Great grandparents.
Perhaps they will get to know the others some day.
I hope so.

Monday, February 21, 2011


So, do you think this little lady looks the spittin' image of her Great Granny?

We do!

Project "Quilt for Lydia" complete!

Thought you might enjoy seeing what my sis (my brother's wife) and I
made for my sister and her baby girl.
Hannah designed and appliqued all the beautiful Poppy's and I'm the one
who took forever to finish the quilt.
I think it was Linda who asked some weeks ago "what's that you're working on?"
in this post.
Well here it is!

I think Lydi-Bug likes it :-)

And wouldn't you say there is a slight resemblance between me and my sister Molly
in that top picture?

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Scrumptious First Baby Sister O' Mine

A bona fide grown-up now, with her own scrumptious chubby-cheeked daughter to kiss!

I met her, my very own sister, when I was almost six.
I remember sitting on a really tall hospital bed - so high up that my legs dangled far above
the sterile white floor - when dad placed her into my arms for the first time.
It was love at first sight.
The red-headed little pixie had me at hello!
I wish I had pictures to show you of her flamboyant spunky childhood.  Let me just say that I NEVER learned how to apply lipstick as well as my sister Molly already did at age three and a half.
She was amazing in every way from her freckled nose to her songbird voice.

But now she is an Auntie, a wife, and momma, making her home into a serene kingdom for her family.
We had the privilege to visit my sis and her family in their own nest last weekend, and my heart was blessed.

Here are a few pictures of our time together.

The big guys taught Zachary how to throw a football, and he was very committed!

That ball made contact with his head.
I thought we might not get to see this too many times in the future, so snuck a few pictures:

The cousins together except missing Charlie's kiddos

Uncle Nick - if we could have chosen, we would have picked you!  
You're head and shoulders above the rest.

And we sisters...

I'm so glad for you, you sweet sister you!
Thank you for a wonderful day :-)

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentines Day!

In these days

I am....

asking the Lord to SHOW me His unseen hand at work in my life.

And He does.

Every time I ask, He does.

And often when I fail to ask.

The kiddos and I are becoming more deliberate about this,

and when we see things

we might have otherwise overlooked,

or taken for granted,

we worship Him 


Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Early Spring

..But not in Idaho!

We are gypsies again,
Since AJ is able to work and travel from wherever we are, it is becoming tradition to take a yearly Springtime trek "home" to California to gather hugs from family and see the Almonds trees bloom.

 Actually, we'd rather see Aunties.

...And Grandma's...


And some other wonderful beloved faces, but that's all you get for now.
Just enough to know we're still alive and well :-)

 Love to you!