It had nothing to do with the words I read up through verse four, rather the words He delivered softly through our broken tete-a-tete on the patio.
My prayer "Show me something Lord..." was answered this way:
A giggling Susanna joined me on the chair beside, animatedly recounting an episode of Tom and Jerry.
Olivia Honor climbed up on my lap and with me watched brilliant flashes of lightning streak down out of the dark sky. I told her that God created the Lightning, did she know that? Then I listed off a long string of the things we saw before us that God had made, and discussed how great He is a making stuff!
Moments later, I had to reenter the house to wipe a bottom.
It was not the "date" I had imagined when it looked like I might have some uninterrupted minutes in the cool of the morning, but He spoke to me.
And this is what He said:
"See? This, Analene, is life.
When I gave you these children, I fully expected you to be busy in the caring for them.
If You are too busy being religious for me, and have not the time to listen intently to them... to laugh at their antics, and discover my glory with them, you have missed what I could show you as I reveal to you the heart of a servant.
Keep coming to me, but be prepared for interruptions, and I will speak to you... even in the midst of that."
I believe Him.
I intend to keep trying for that one-on-one date, but if we are joined by two, three, or however-many others, I will trust Him to speak to me... for I know He will.
He has.
Yes, right, exactly! Why would the presence of our dear little ones be a hindrance to our worship and fellowship with our Lord, who gave them to us in the first place? Aren't we silly to ever think that!
That was powerful. How I need that reminder over and over. How I beat myself up thinking I am letting Him down by not being "religious" enough.
How tender is God! Making an extra peanut butter and jelly sandwich really CAN be an act of worship, pleasing and acceptable to Him. Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice.
"Even a cup of water", offered in His name ... Thanks for the encouragement Analene!
Well...I have only JUST a few hours ago gotten back into the country and it feels GREAT to be home..It would be better if my husband were here right now, but he is hard at work for us now and I am eagerly waiting his return home, so I can hug him forever and never let go! =)
Can you blame Em for falling in love with your computer? She has had little to no comunication for sooo long and now she can write to who she wants and blogg (your fault by the way...the whole blogging loving! =)
Well u I love and miss you and the love family very much! I wish I could hug every one of you! The girls AND the boys have grown soooo much!!! I have not heard much from you in some time...if you find any at all to fill lil ME in..that would be savored for sure. Love you sis and kido's!!! Love to my Emma as well. All our hearts, Nick and MOll<><
You coming back to us deary?
This is soooo exactly it! God speaks loudest to us when He whispers. :) And, He loves to speak to us through our little blessings from Him.
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