Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Resurrection Sunday!

Ours had a curve ball thrown at it.

No Easter Lunch.
No Easter Egg hunt, which was partially due to
No warm sunny rays gleaming on the dew drops.
No dew drops (due to copious amounts of rain).
No Gramsie (who was sick)
No cousins (they didn't want Gramsie's sickness)
and finally
No Daddy.

That's o.k. we know how to roll with the punches!
Quarantined to the bedroom because we didn't want Gramsie's sickness either:

We read Mathew and Luke's account of Jesus' resurrection - we especially love the part where Jesus walks and talks to his desciples on the road to Emaus!
We watched some movies on the laptop,
Had pic-nicks on the bedroom floor,
Played Chicken Foot (domino's),
Watched more movies,
Had more pic-nicks...
Generally made good use of a lazy, rainy, weekend day together.  Thanking our Heavenly Father for His mercies - they are new every morning!

If everyone will * just * stay * well...

*(Picture of AJ and Carolina at Rio Del Mar last weekend)


Ashley said...

That sounds much like our Resurrection Sunday. :) Just Dad, Sam, and I made it to church, then a yummy lunch, resting, movie watching, yummy dinner, more movie watching. And some crazy weather!

Now we're hoping everyone will get better, so we can enjoy your company on Thursday!

Much Love,

p.s. Should we bring sack lunch? Or is it just a play date? Let me know, thanks!

JENNIFER said...

Well, we had a baby with a high fever and a toddler with a yucky, yucky nose.
No Easter service
No Easter meal
No Easter socializing
There is always next year....