Thursday, May 27, 2010

Goings On at Marvel Hill

This bird flew in when the door was open and tried to get out through a closed window
Good thing for Zachary's quick hands!

Zack dreamed up and built himself a gun rack.
("Catch 'em Alive Jack" is making manly impressions)

Lots of Dandilions right now.  The girls play with them like they're little flower gentle-folk.

Clay made my necklace!

Anyone who says overalls aren't girly, don't realize that real femininity is difficult to conceal :-)


pinamarie said...

I love clayton's backwards overall straps, so cute! I personally think overalls are totally girly and look really cute :)

Grace McHugh said...

My most favorite gift from my man was a pair of Carhart overalls. I jump at any chance to wear them. I love the gun rack. Rory will be wanting to make one now. :)

LindaFaye said...

And a picture of you finally!! :)

Hovawart said...

I know your photos are so beautiful because you are a gifted photographer and not because of the tool you use, but still, would you mind sharing with us what tool (camera) you do use? Just in case it is a little bit helpful to us aspiring photographers?