It's been a wonderful, fun, full last couple days!
Grama, you are the BEST! And I'm so excited (selfishly) that you have internet now, so you can see our blog - YAY!
We are really missing you, and I can't believe you couldn't stop by for lunch today!=o)
We woke up to a blanket of white this morning, though the sky is sunny now, and the snow melting off.
Mom and I did some painting while she was here, and it turns out that I
This large house is finally beginning to look lived in! I think Wyatt is being a great sport!
In other news, before I forget; Carolina Truth turned four months old last week! Wow, how time flies:-) She is beginning to try grabbing things with her hands, she is quite a talker with lots of loud happy noises, and seems to be ever so pleasant and content. I certainly cherish her!
I am posting a couple pictures of my sweet Susanna with her new pink thing - can you see it?
This was a special gift Daddy Bug and I got for her because she has been without her blankie or fingers for several weeks now! This is a momentous thing for Sue, and we are very proud of her.
I sometimes wonder if it was harder for her, or harder for this sentimental Mom!
Mah babies ah growin' up!!
Too much fun:-)
Aw, looks like you had a great visit with your mom. I'm jealous! It's been awhile since we last saw my parents (visited them in MT last July).
Ahhh, a pink tea set. Sweet! Good job sue! I think its a perfect solution! Set a place for me!
Love you guys and miss you. ~H
Hi sis! I love Sue's new set! Make sure you tell her for me! You guys are doing awesome coming up with such great ways to enforce and reward. Way to go Sis, Aj!
You are sure right about those kido's GROWING SOO FAST! I just stare at the pics and my jaw keeps dropping open! Goodness!
We love you all soo much! =)
Momma Bug,
Your blog is so sweet! I marvel at the thought of five children aged 6 and under. The beautiful photo at the top says it all- you are blessed!
I used to live in CA too- San Diego.
Thanks for leaving such a gracious comment on my blog. I hope you visit often!
I love the pic of the tea party. It is so very precious. It looks like you had a great visit.
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