Sunday, August 9, 2009

Victorious Baby Steps!

From the first step forward it got easier today.
It's always easier if I remember to call upon My Help moment by moment!

This venture involved acrylic paint, so it was a REAL victory for mom who was imagining all the things it wouldn't wash out of:-) My sweet ones were intent upon their "sign" creations, and there were no mishaps. Just a lot of good conversation and memory-making while the juices flowed.

What a delight to get to call these amazing children my own!

"Welcome to Marvel Hill

"Welcome to Squirrel Country"

And these just because the cuteness factor is off the charts;-)

Yep. There's some cuteness here!


Diane said...

I love those signs! They will be a great gretting to come home to I am sure. And Lina...well...pure cuteness!
Love you!

Photo Momma said...

Too cute! What a fun project.

Christabelle said...

Those are amazing! I like them very much.

Lady Jess said...

Awwwww! How cute! Great signs!

Mama K. said...

Look how happy and proud they are! Very cute!