Friday, December 31, 2010


 I am not a New Years resolution kinda gal.
I know myself too well.
Now if there was like, a "New Weeks" resolution
or maybe a "New Days" resolution....
We might be on to something I could successfully accomplish.

I have nothing against resolution, in fact they're kind of fun way
to get ones motor revved, but follow-through?
Not so easy after the first glow of motivation is gone.

Here is something else to consider.
You know that calendar you are looking at?
Those days and weeks and months.... they don't exist.
I'm sorry to break it to you, but the year ahead is a bit of a fiction
and when depended upon for the next chance at something
has the potential to rob us of a victory today.  Right now.  This minute.

I know we are to plan ahead and look ahead to some degree,
but watch out!  -Especially we mommas who feel like we're sinking
barely treading water.
There is hope for tomorrow
but all we can give to the Lord is what He's gifted us with today.

Personally I find that a relief because it helps me to evaluate and adjust my
heart and attitude this minute, to glorify Him.
And to be a right representative of who He IS,
to my family and anyone else in the vicinity.


When talking with my children about all this today,
I asked what things they might like to accomplish in the upcoming year.
Here are their answers:

Zachary Christian
*I want to draw plans for a PT boat
*I want to learn how to Trick Shoot (like Roy Rogers).

Clayton Praise
*I want to build a tree house... with a roof.
   ...and sides.

Susanna Glory
*I want daddy to teach me to shoot.
*I want us to finish our Bible time line.
*Next year I want to eat 100 peanuts.
  ....and go fishing.

Olivia Honor
*I want to learn to read.
 .....and do more Math.

Carolina Truth
* I want to catch a frog.

Bryce Endurance
(he didn't tell me this, but I can see it in his eyes)
*I want to learn to walk, run, jump, and follow the big kids into the great world!

After this conversation, we discussed what things would bless the Lord the
most, and we identified that our Character is of greater worth than our physical accomplishments.
Some of the children were very perceptive in seeing their own weaknesses and knowing what
changes they wanted to impliment:

"...Not to threaten to tattle..."
"...Not to antagonize by invading other people's space."
"...To stop whining..."
"...To obey right away..."

Good stuff - plenty for me to digest too.

As for Yours Truly,
I aspire to get through this day first.
Then tomorrow
Then the day after that...
and so on.

Truthfully, I DO have some goals for the coming year,
but they are hidden in my secret heart to cherish and work toward.
Without fanfare for their completion or defeat,
but with hopes of growing closer yet to my Lord.

He is faithful and He WILL do that good work!
(And I think I might just join Susanna in her resolve -
eating 100 peanuts seems do-able ;-))

Take heart my friend - for the days ahead,
and remember this:
RESOLVE to seize this moment!


Momma Bug  
(last day of December 2010)


Pam... said...

You go girl. Love those photos and thoughts. I get tired of beating myself up for not doing it all. I am ready to rest.

Cinnamon said...

I love the pictures of your children. Beautiful.

This is the FIRST year I've NEVER had resolutions. I'm a resolutions/list making Mama. I love to write lists, cross of my list and move forward. Love it, love it, love it. But this year I'm taking life slowly. Sort of resting in what the Lord already has planned for me :-)

So glad to have a fellow Mary Englebreit bloggy friend!!

I was laughing at your comment you left on our blogabout your fail safe remedy, ice cream with all the trimmin's :-)

Happy New Year~ Cinnamon said...

GREAT POST Mama Bug!! LOVE IT!! Happy New Year Sister :-)

RavenM said...

Great post! TODAY is Enough to resolve on with Littles in the house (and not so little Littles) Haha... We do need long term goals, but not at the cost of paying attention to today.