And just in the nick of time...
I finished Miss Carolina's stocking on Christmas Eve - it's her picking Huckleberries!
She was pretty excited as she watched me work on it for the previous couple weeks.
I actually started it last Christmas season, and Bryce has one that's almost finished too,
but he didn't seem in as big a hurry for his :-)
This stocking followed in the tradition of four previous, but I changed my plan of action in
a few behind the scenes details. These couple changes made its completion doable in time for
our Christmas celebrations, but don't show up to even the discerning eye.
Why Oh WHY didn't I make my life easier four stockings ago?!!!
But... there's more to make, so better late than never I suppose:-)
And this face.............. says it all!
11 years ago
Those stockings are so gorgeous! Good work!
It just came out darling Ana! Another beautiful creation :o)
Wow! Beautiful!
Thank you for your encouraging comment. So kind of you to stop by to visit our blog and leave such sweet words for me to read.
I too want to be ~that~ woman that has a pain free birth!!!! Every last month I plead, in my down times, for that very thing :-)
I guess it does get easier as you have more babies and go through different labors. But each one brings me to my knees to where I can only trust in the Lord. Wish it could be done without all that pain.
You are a blessing to me~ Cinnamon
you are WAY too talented for your own good ;-) i once tried to make my daughter a stocking. i don't know how to sew, but i tried stitching it together like you would do on flesh. It looked wierd. Then I safety pinned a rag doll to the front of it so it would look better. It had more of a sack like appearance. i don't think she was impressed with it, though she didn't seem to notice for the first couple of years as she was 2 when i made it. Hope all is well over there and you are enjoying the holiday :-)
Well, Haha! We can all wing-it in SOME area I guess!!
I certainly wouldn't attempt to close a wound with a needle!
We had a lovely weekend and today is Clayton's 8th birthday so the celebrating continues :-)
I finally started my three this year... but haven't finished them yet. And look at you, five complete with #6 in the works, wow! Um, more to make? How many more? Or should I not be asking?;p
Love you,
Unofficially blogged (but not necessarily a secret)?
2 by next Christmas for a total of 7
How exciting my friend! What a delight to see you blessed indeed!
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