Monday, June 13, 2011

Miss Crazy Hair gains another week

What a lovely week it's been - and weekend too!  Our days have been full of visiting, and adventures,
and just being together with Molly and Nick and Lydi. 
Because Charlie lives within walking distance our three families have spent most of every waking moment
as a motley conglomeration of joking, laughing, playing bodies.  There's been plenty of hootin' and hollering.
It's been like a theme park, summer, and Heaven all mixed together.
Truly, if this is anything like Heaven promises to be, I can't stand to wait!

Aloria has been an easy baby.  The Lord has lightened my load in her contentment and smiles.
Though she sometimes has tummy troubles, most babies do.  Thankfully she is consolable, and
her pains are of short duration,

Miss Aloria's hair has been a source of pleasure as it springs into shocked action almost no matter
what I do to tame it!  She is my first baby to wear so many hair accessories, but that's purely coincidence
since I am just having a fun with my girl:-)  Some people say she looks like me.  Do you think so?
Maybe it's the shocked hair....

Auntie Hannah took this picture of me and my twin while at the lake this evening.  Yellow shirt courtesy
of Auntie Moll.  So good to have Aunties around.  They treat us right!


Dear Aloria Mercy, you take the cake.  I didn't know being a 7x mom could be so wonderful, and new!
Every milestone is just as precious as the first time I experienced it - maybe even more since I am
sobered by experience to know just how fast the time goes by.
I try a lot harder to capture each fleeting moment. And even if those moments are too slippery to keep,
I believe I know to appreciate them more. Savor them.  And an older and wiser me knows to
cherish even the tummy pains, bomb-outs that destroy your cutest outfits, and crying through dinner
on schedule every night.
This too shall pass.
When it does, I may even miss it.
In fact, I know I will.

So Aloria, thank you for being mine.  I hope you'll teach me a lot.
Please be patient with me because I am only getting to be an expert at humility
and I've never mothered an Aloria before :-)
I love you daughter!



Jess said...

She is beautiful and does look so like you. I wrote you a big long e-mail last week but my computer ate it. Another one in the works in among everything else so hopefully it will get written and sent soon!

Courtney said...

She does look like you! She is adorable! I can't believe it has already been 7 weeks. So I cannot wait to hear about your girl's day out . . . ;)
Love you, Me

Tracy said...

She is beautiful, YES, just like you!!

I wanted to share something with you, Analene, that I think will bless your heart. Ellen, Suzie's daughter, made this post on FaceBook yesterday and I asked her permission to send it on to you! :-)

"I have been taking pictures for less than three years....I didn't even own a camera before then! I might never have known of my photography passion if it wasn't for a sweet friend who blessed our family with a point and shoot camera. Who would have thought I would have an SLR camera and a photography business at 18?"

Ellen is truly a gifted photographer!! Her pictures are absolutely amazing. She is living in NY and doing well.

Tracy L.

Kimberly Bryant said...

Analene, her hair reminds me of Mesa's! She does look a lot like you! Beautiful! Love, Kimberly B.

Cinnamon said...

Analene, I agree, she does look like you ~ Beautiful ~

But I can't imagine you with Crazy Hair :-)

What a sweet note to your dear Aloria. What fun that will be for her to read it when she is older. You will look back so fondly on these moments.


Momma Bug said...

Dear Tracy, my heart IS blessed. I have been so impressed with Ellen's eye and ability from the start of her picture taking career!
I'm sure she would have discovered her passion eventually, but it is a privilege to have been a part.

If you talk with her, please tell her she is often in my thoughts and I'm still praying for her and all the tangled bunch.

Your comments and presence here is a blessing to me Tracy.
He'll be taking us to Heaven very soon, so I look forward to enjoying some company with you there!
Keep keeping on.
