Daddy Bug has been wanting me to have chores be priority for little Bugs, but I have been struggling, struggling to figure out how to "DO it".
Suzanne's post was such a blessing, and combining her advice for mom to use chore time to oversee and instruct little chore-doers, with that of my friend Courtney who has her own chores to do, I was able to come up with something that really works for me!
I had been attempting to dabble here and there with things on my to-do list while my children "did chores".
I have one child who is capable of doing all the chores fast, and efficiently.
I have another child who is a day dreamer/foot dragger. It DRIVES ME BANANA'S to watch him dawdle!!!
Like I really need chores! But I found that having my own to do at the same time, creates a sense of comraderie among me and the children.
So I get them lined out, turn on the music, and start in on some ironing or what-not, and as I check to make sure jobs are being carried out to completion, we actually get something done!!
In addition to the boys getting all their jobs and school assignments done before lunch (at 11:00), they have decided to do extra personal school work on the first four days of the week s
Today I have some fun pictures of Zachary painting, and one painting that each he, Clay, and Susanna did. We learned about the color wheel, and got to mix colors as we painted!
Didn't they do great?!
Ok, I give. What's a color wheel?
Celebrating with you! I know how good that feels:)
What kind of watercolors are they using? The color is so vibrant!
Dear Mrs. Super Momma,
A color wheel shows the three primary colors (red, blue, yellow), and then the secondary colors in between (purple, green, and orange).
Suzanne (I love that name!),
I think I used Crayola brand. I also, was pleased with the vivid colors coming out of a paint tray!
I have some colors I use out of a tube, but they wont last very long while learning how much paint vs. water to use:-)
For ME they last years!!
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