Tuesday, January 13, 2009

And That Was My Day


(not tonight though.)

I was going to get with it today and post something for "Help For Growing Families"
(see sidebar), but I didn't.
Nor have I yet cleaned up the clutter accumulating on the side of my blog. Not sure yet what will go - I can never decide what to get rid of - but clean I must, so (eventually) clean I will!

Tonight though, I review the day and it was good.
We learned about sentence structure for school work.
The boys and Susanna played outside in the snow for a couple hours.
I unpacked our clothes from, uh... when we got home two weeks ago. (It was an accomplishment, so I had to list it!)
Zachary made dinner tonight.
Carolina got her first molar, and was a much happier little girl once it broke through!
Olivia is all growed up with her big girl underwear, and trips to the bathroom:-)
I wrote a letter today.
The boys shoveled half the driveway of snow when they were outside (I owe them now!).
We all napped.
I had a couple nice phone conversations:-)
And... I won this award from my friend Katrina.

The Lemonade Award:

For blogs with great attitude and/or gratitude
and I am so honored that my friend thinks I fall into this category!
Thank you Katrina; and part of my blog cleaning-up involves adding some new blog links to my list - may add yours to "my favorite blogs?"

I pass this award on to my friends at these blogs:

It's far too late to be getting to bed early, and really to late for me to be gallivanting around to all your blogs to let you each know that I think you're super at making lemonade... so, please accept this award with my thanks for your friendships.
I love you gals:-)
And that was my day!



Grace McHugh said...

You are too kind, my friend!! Your thoughts inspire me to better thoughts and deeds......truly! Thank you for the compliments. Hugs to you!!!

RavenM said...

Thanks:) I think you are one of the best lemonade makers I know! :-)

Katrina said...

You really do deserve this award... you're so welcome and yes, feel free to add me to your side bar... when you get around to 'cleaning'! :o)

I really do love coming by, it's a pleasure to read your blog.

Anonymous said...

You truly do deserve this award, and to have you bestow it on me??? Well, that is an honor. I'm such a blog newbie though, it's taken me this long to figure it out. Thank you my dear friend!

Loving you . . . .